CSLA MVVM Training videos

CSLA MVVM Training videos

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rxelizondo posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hi Rocky,

I just started messing around with the MVVM pattern and I am a getting ready to put it on practice on a small project that I am working on.

My problem is that I would really like to get this MVVM implementation right or at least to be able to get close to getting it right. After looking at some samples here and there I think I have the general idea but just because I think I know how to apply the pattern it does not mean that I really know how to do it.

Some time ago, I think I remember you mentioning something about creating some training videos related to CSLA and MVVM.

Is that still on the radar? If so, is this something that you are paining on doing on the near feature? Like 2 or 3 weeks from now?

Just curious,


RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My plan is to do the videos within the next 2-3 weeks - probably 4 with production time.

But I'm a bit torn, because I've spent the past few days working with MVVM in VS10 and there are differences in approach if you want to use the designer. So I'm a bit concerned that I'll do a 3.8 MVVM video and its lifetime will be extremely short.

So then I'm thinking I should keep working through some of the VS10 issues and delay the video by 1-2 weeks - so I can cover VS 2008 and VS10 (to some degree at least) in this project.

lukky replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010


Go for the VS2010 video !! I'd rather wait a few more weeks than spend money for "nothing".


rxelizondo replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010


Although I am extremely eager to get my hands on those videos, I also agree with Luc Morin, if you feel is worth the wait then lets just wait….... but hurry up too because we really need those videos  Stick out tongue

RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, February 18, 2010

It depends on how rapidly people move to VS10 I guess.

Though I can try and address some VS08 and VS10 issues both - but the approaches are different because of the XAML designer actually working in VS10.

skagen00 replied on Monday, February 22, 2010

At least for myself, without a subscription that covers Blend, I'll be moving to VS 2010 immediately and am actively doing some development in beta 2 right now -- just really find a designer useful. Though I must say, after having used Blend before the VS 2010 designer is kind of disappointing - I find myself doing a lot more hand-editing of XAML with VS 2010 then I did with Blend 2 (when I had it).

Maybe I just need more familiarity with the designer...

RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, February 22, 2010

I don't know. I haven't used Blend - it requires a part of my brain that apparently doesn't work well Big Smile

So I've spent the past few years typing lots of XAML. What I'm finding is that VS10 makes me unlearn a lot of things. Techniques that are optimal for hand-coding XAML are not optimal for working with the designer.

Interestingly, and perhaps this is habit, some things seem just a lot faster to do by typing XAML than clicking and selecting this, that and the other thing in the Properties window.

On the other hand, being able to drag-and-drop an object onto a form with the result being a fully drawn and bound form is a big time saver.

So on the whole I think having the designer is better than not.

Against my better judgment though, I'm slowly but surely evolving a lightweight UI framework that supports MVVM while enabling full use of the VS10 designer. It is coming together well enough that I'm debating whether to incorporate it in CSLA or make it a separate thing. The only trick is that it requires some features of Csla.Reflection, and of course is designed to work with the new TriggerAction control (designer-friendly replacement for InvokeMethod/Execute).

In any case, I'm going to let it gel more as I continue working.

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