One datagridview is in readonly mode when bound to a class that inherits from: Csla.ReadOnlyListBase

One datagridview is in readonly mode when bound to a class that inherits from: Csla.ReadOnlyListBase

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tutus posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2010



I have 2 datagridviews bound to 2 different Bindingsources:: DMsBindingSource and DepotsBindingSource.


In code, I bind DMsBindingSource to an object/datasource : DMs. That s a collection that inherits from Csla.ReadOnlyListBase

And I bind DepotsBindingSource to another object/datasource : Depots

Depots and DMs are instances of 2 different read-only-collection classes that both inherit from Csla.ReadOnlyListBase.

The problem is why is one grid in readonly (all cells are readonly) mode while the 2nd grid can be editable

I want the 1st grid to be editable as well like checking off checkboxes.

Pls note that even the proiperties that are not readonly properties are disabled in the 1sr gridview.

Also my gridview has the property ReadOnly = false and so does the columns.

Any thought pls?

tutus replied on Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sorry , even the grid that s working is bound to list(of DepotInfo) that s may be why it worked. So now for the grid that s not editable i bind it also to a List(Of DMInfo) instead of to RadOnlyBaseList collection. Now it s working thanks for ur time :)

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