This reduces my peak memory usage from over 2 GB to a quite comfortable 150 MB. However, this breaks the "use DataPortal and DataPortal_* to perform all database communication" rule. Does CSLA contain anything that looks like this, or that otherwise supports processing quantities of data too large to fit in memory?SqlCommand cm; //... SqlDataReader dr = cm.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) yield return GetExportPiece(dr);
First, do you really need to bring all those rows back to the client? In a 3- or 4-tier deployment that'd be amazingly slow! And even in a 2-tier environment it seems very iffy.
Second, does the user actually see or interact with this? Or is this a non-interactive batch job? I can't imagine a user paging through a million rows - they'd be there for days, or weeks or maybe months!
If this is non-interactive, it is probably best encapsulated in a Command object's DataPortal_Execute() method, and just use ADO.NET - skip the objects (or use your IEnumerable approach).
If this data really does need to come to the client, ouch! In that case I'd suggest you use paging with a ReadOnlyBase command object, and a variation of your IEnumerable implementation.
What you have now restricts you to a 2-tier deployment. There's no way that code can ever work in a 3- or 4-tier deployment scenario.
Here's the basic idea:
So your actual list object will never go through the data portal - but this page loader (ReadOnlyBase) object will use the data portal to bring back a page of data at a time - giving you the same basic result you have now, but in a way that works with the data portal and 3- or 4-tier deployments.
Yes, I do need to bring the rows back; the user may want to see the individual rows. Granted, this is much more likely on smaller result sets -- e.g. the items created on a certain day or in a certain week instead of all-time -- but I don't want to deal with multiple code paths.
I think I understand what's supposed to happen here now. Thanks.
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