bug in SortedIndex (SortedBindingList)

bug in SortedIndex (SortedBindingList)

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/8602.aspx

dg78 posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hi Rocky,


In SortedBindingList (in the last version 3.8.3), there is :


    private int SortedIndex(int originalIndex)


      int result = 0;

      if (_sorted)


        for (int index = 0; index < _sortIndex.Count; index++)


          if (_sortIndex[index].BaseIndex == originalIndex)


            result = index;




        if (_sortOrder == ListSortDirection.Descending)

          result = _sortIndex.Count - 1 - result;



        result = originalIndex;

      return result;




Or in the VB version (it is the same but I prefer) :


  Private Function SortedIndex(ByVal originalIndex As Integer) As Integer


    Dim result As Integer

    If _sorted Then

      For index As Integer = 0 To _sortIndex.Count - 1

        If _sortIndex(index).BaseIndex = originalIndex Then

          result = index

          Exit For

        End If


      If _sortOrder = ListSortDirection.Descending Then

        result = _sortIndex.Count - 1 - result

      End If


      result = originalIndex

    End If

    Return result


  End Function


Everything is good if  originalIndex  exist in _sortIndex.

But what happen if it is not the case : the function returns either 0 or _sortIndex.Count – 1.


It is not good so I add :


    Dim result As Integer = -1

    If _sorted Then

      For index As Integer = 0 To _sortIndex.Count - 1

        If _sortIndex(index).BaseIndex = originalIndex Then

          result = index

          Exit For

        End If


      If result = -1 then Return result

      If _sortOrder = ListSortDirection.Descending Then



I use  -1 because you use -1 in :


    public int Find(PropertyDescriptor property, object key)


      if (_supportsBinding)

        return SortedIndex(_bindingList.Find(property, key));


        return -1;



I think that it is a bug.







RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Can that happen thought? Is there a scenario where the index of an item needs to be translated into the indexed position, and where the item is somehow in the list, but not in the sorted index?

If that can happen the bug isn't in the SortedIndex() method, it is in whatever code allowed an item to get into the list, and not into the sorted index.

dg78 replied on Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I came in this situation looking a key using :


    public int Find(PropertyDescriptor property, object key)


      if (_supportsBinding)

        return SortedIndex(_bindingList.Find(property, key));


        return -1;



The key doesn't exist then   _bindingList.Find(property, key) return -1  but   SortedIndex(_bindingList.Find(property, key)) return  0.

Then for my code, the key exist at index 0 and it is not true.

RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, March 03, 2010

OK, that makes sense. I'll add this to the bug list.

JonnyBee replied on Thursday, March 04, 2010


I'd rather change the code in Find to

    public int Find(PropertyDescriptor property, object key)


      if (_supportsBinding)


          int originalIndex = _bindingList.Find(property, key);

          return (originalIndex > -1) ? SortedIndex(originalIndex) : -1;    



        return -1;


  as OriginalIndex is also used for sending events to the UI that should never get -1 as index and may introduce new bugs.


JonnyBee replied on Friday, March 05, 2010

Hi Dominique,

I have updated the SortedBindingList in $/core/branches/V3-8-x (and 4.0) with changes to Find and better databinding behavior.

If you have time please download changes and verify that it solves your issues.

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