In my application, I have objects Contact, Folder and Email and a list object, EmailList.
I need to associate the Email with the Contact from whom it originated. Contacts do not have Folders. I need to make the Email appear logically in mutliple Folders (associated with Employees), but for obvious reasons, I don't want to physycally replicate the Email data row everytime it gets "added" to a Contact or an Employee's Folder.
I am wondering whether implementing Email as a Dynamic object is the way to go. I would then implement a property of type EmailList in the Contact and Folder objects. What I am wondering is, can I then create Email as a root, but then add it to whatever EmailList collections I subsequently associate it with?
You can disregard this one.
I decided to go with a many-to-many solution, modelled after ProjectResources in PTracker. Simpler in my case, since I only need to manage the owner-email associations from the owner side. I will leave Email as a ER.
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