in DataPortal_Insert I use a stored procedure to get
the next free key to assign to my BusinessObject when beeing inserted into the
database. As the key generation saves the used key to the database, I would prefer not to
get the key prior to DataPortal_Insert.
What would be the best way to communicate back and cancel the insertion, when no more keys
are available?
I tried to throw an expection, but then I got a DataPortalException was unhandled by user code.
Thanks for an ideas and hints.
Well, throwing an exception is probably your best bet. If you don't want the UI to handle a DataPortalException, and instead handle your specific exception, you can override your Save method and throw the BusinessException from the DataPortalException.
Hi Andy.
Yep, I thought so too.
In the DataPortal_insert()
I got something like this:
if (NoMoreKeys)
throw new DataPortalException("no keys", this);
and on the UI side
businessObject= businessObject.Save();
catch (DataPortalException ex)
// do something
but then I got an "DataPortalException was unhandled by user code" error
Where am I missing the point?
Well you wouldn't throw a DataPortalException; create your own exception like NoMoreKeysException.
Although the handler you have should be working, although there is Csla.DataPortalException and Csla.Server.DataPortalException. Perhaps you're throwing the one in the server namespace (b/c you have using Csla.Server for some reason) and on your UI side you have a using Csla;
Either way still make your own specific exception :-)
Thanks for the hint,
the own exception is cleaner code for sure.
but even with this one I get the error, that the NoMoreKeysException was unhandled by user code.
I think I forgot something important, but can not put a finger on it.
data portal insert: if (NoMoreKeys) { throw new NoMoreKeysException("no keys"); } and on the UI side try { businessObject= businessObject.Save(); } catch (DataPortalException ex) { // do something }
Remember that an exception thrown inyour DP_I method will be wrapped by a DataPortalException, unless you unwrap it on the client and rethrow (likely in your Save override).
Also keep in mind that if you're debugging, your settings in VS will affect if your exception code gets to run. Maybe you should try doing a Debug -> Exceptions, and then clicking the Reset All button.
Yep, the wrapping was in my mind, but wasn't the problem.
You pointed me into the right direction, its VS.
This is where it happens: Of course, if you really don't want to hear about these events, you can go to Debug->Exceptions and deselect the "user-unhandled" column.
How to: Break on User-Unhandled Exceptions
I knew that I'm a CSLA beginner, now I now that even in VS a lot is still terra incognita to me.
Thanks, that was a great help for me.
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