To manage some data, I use a datagridview (WinForms) bound to a ERLB (data saved once the row changes). Everything is OK.
But now, I want to be able to sort rows of the datagridview with a mouse click on the column header.
With a SortedBindingList, there is no problem for that but with a ERLB it is not possible because ERLB is not sortable.
How to have the same with a ERLB ?
Must I implement a sort on ERLB? How to do that ?
When binding your BindingSource, you should be able to use bindingSource1.DataSource = new SortedBindingList<MyBO>( myErlb );
Is that not working?
Thanks, Andy.
Sure it is the solution, it works.
I did not think to use that. The worst is I used often SortedBindingList.
With this prolonged winter, I think I am tired.
Still thanks
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