It seems that I am experiencing the same problem as Joost van Schaik but with SL3.
This makes me think that the problem is not connected to SL4 but rather to .NET4. (how did WCF change since 3.5?).
Any news about this problem ?
Joost blogged about his solution to the problem - you can probably find the link to his post in that thread, or from my blog (www.lhotka.net/weblog).
When I started creating CSLA 4 I actually removed and re-added the service reference, and had to change one of the settings in the add service dialog - a setting dealing with sharing types between client and server needs to be turned off.
Before I release CSLA 4 I'm sure I'll have to remove and re-add the service reference again, because there was at least one remaining quirk in the reference that I had to work around, and I am assuming that will have been fixed by the time .NET 4 and SL 4 ship.
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