Good Day All,
I have encountered a small error in the EditLevels of our application. When the Form is loaded, the EditLevels between the parent and child are correct (2 True, 1 False) after the BindUI is completed.
After a change is made to the parent and saved, when the BindUI is completed (after the RebindUI is called) our edit levels are (1 False, 1 False).
The details are saved correctly to the database but a subsequent modification and save will produce an error.
I am wondering whether not unbinding the combo boxes from their NVL is causing the problem or not?
After some additional changes, I've managed to eliminate the error message I was encountering with the EditLevels still at the root object of 1 False.
Can anyone forsee a problem with this?
Still stuck at this roadblock. I just realized I should have provided more information. We have a WinForm containing a panel with a treeview in Panel 1. When the form is loaded we retrieve our object (Root, Children, GrandChildren, etc....) and store it in a local varible only at this point. The treeview is constructed based on details in the CSLA object we have retrieved. When a node is selected we dynamically create a WinPart control passing the object selected and execute the following code in the WinPart control:
- assign the object to a local variable
Load Event:
- Initialize the this.CurrentPrincipalChanged event
- Initialize the object's PropertyChanged event
- Call the BindUI() and ApplyAuthorizationRules() methods
- Invoke the BeginEdit() method of the root object in the Parent Form (i.e. WinForm)
- Assign the BindingSource object on the control with the root object from the Parent Form
- Assign the BindingSource for the selected child (or GrandChild) with the local variable assigned in the constructor
- Disable the events by setting the BindingSource's RaiseListChangedEvents to false
- Disable the select objects PropertyChanged event (-= Event(PropertyChanged))
- Called the UnbindBindingSource method for the two BindingSources and passing saveObject and true parameters to both
- Invoked ApplyEdit on the Parent Form's root object
- Invoked Save on the Parent Form's root object
- Re-established the object's PropertyChanged event
- Invoked the BindUI() event
- Restored events by setting the BindingSource's RaiseListChangedEvents to true
- Reset the bindings on the BindingSources (ResetBindings).
Can anyone lend a helping hand before I completely loose my mind. It will be much appreciated.
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