Csla 2.x, ASP.NET v2, and SqlServer 2000?

Csla 2.x, ASP.NET v2, and SqlServer 2000?

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/874.aspx

david.wendelken posted on Thursday, August 10, 2006

I may have to deploy the application I'm building against Sql Server 2000 instead of 2005.

From a Csla 2.x perspective (or from just an ASP.Net perspective), will this work?

Any problem areas I should watch out for?

(I know how to handle any necessary database code changes on the database end.  Not what I'm asking! :)

Jurjen replied on Friday, August 11, 2006

I am developping a webapp in ASP.NET 2.0 using CSLA 2.0.3 and SQL2000, no problems.

as far as I know if you haven't used any specific SQL2005 features (like .NET Stored Procs) you should be fine.



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