Due to the incesent language fights between C# and VB, CSLA will be ported to Cobol.Net. The C# and VB version will be de-supported in the following 4.1 update. Rocky is reported to have said "I just got sick of all the b##ing about C# and VB. We have too many language snobs out there and I thought this was the best way to handle it." Reaction from developers has been mixed at best with one developer exclaiming "You can program Cobol in .Net?".
In other news, rumors persist about a Magenic SkunkWorks project to port CSLA over to Scheme .NET. Proponents of purely recursive programming could be heard applauding enthusiastically.
While the update to Cobol is a step in the right direction, I won't be happy until I have the framework on punch cards.
This is not what I heard.
I heard that Rocky is tired of dealing with the constant technology changes of .Net so he is dropping all Microsoft related stuff and has decided to move on to other more stable technologies such as Unix KornShell programming and Mainframe stuff.
It’s a real shame, I was really getting into the CSLA.
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