I based our MVVM architecture by derivating on this base class and I'm pretty happy with the results. Down the road I encountered a case for which I would like a different behaviour in QueryCompleted. In fact, I want to get a hold on the model before it it assigned to the Model property. Here's my proposition : add a virtual method called OnRefreshing() which we could override in our sub class. Here's an example of what I seek :
private void QueryCompleted(object sender, EventArgse) false;
IsBusy =
var eventArgs = (IDataPortalResult)e;
if (eventArgs.Error == null )
var model = (T)eventArgs.Object; OnRefreshing(model); Model = model; } var model = (T)eventArgs.Object; OnRefreshing(model); Model = model; }
Error = eventArgs.Error; OnRefreshed(); } } And as a general rule, it would be nice to introduce more of these : On...ing() and On...ed() virtual methods to enable us to "insert" code without altering Csla... Thanks!
I'll add this to the wish list, it is a good idea.
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