Is there a codesmith template availabe for generating store procedures for BO?

Is there a codesmith template availabe for generating store procedures for BO?

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longbridge posted on Saturday, August 12, 2006

Thanks a lot.

xal replied on Sunday, August 13, 2006

For the last year I've been working on an open source tool called CSLAGen that was created by a group of very cool people. This tool generates csla classes along with their stored procedures.
I haven't made the progress of this tool very public and the reason for that is that it was undergoing some large changes and I didn't want to recieve a lot of bug reports that I alredy knew it had.
Lately it's been getting to the point were I think it stabilizing and I'm ready for some more feedback. It generates code for 2.x and 1.x (although I haven't done any work on 1.x in some time, so it might be broken). I'm planning on moving the source to the new contrib site for csla in codeplex.

Currently, there is support for vb and c#, although the c# templates are a little behind. Thanks to the work of Craig Shearer, they are getting up to speed.
Once I get a few things sorted out I will probably make that move to codeplex and make it more widely available. In the meantime, those who want to test the app can drop me an email at xal1983 \at\
Be aware though that the stored procedure generation still has some bugs (and in some scenarios the output code isn't correct), but you can take the generated sp and tweak it to your liking. That said they're generally good.


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