Hi Everyone,
I really hope I can find an answer to this Dilemma.
I just move to a new version of telerik reporting. In the previous version Telerik reporting and Csla worked beautifully. Now, Telerik added Data Source Components. The limitation this thing has is that I does not take static methods either in design mode or runtime. as a result of this I cannot see the fields to draw new reports and even less run it. The guys from Telerik told me that I can go around this by wrapping the static method. I've tried delegates without success(maybe I'm doing something wrong).
my question is how can I wrap a CSLA static method?
Thank you
Hello Dan,
The answer to your question is yes. But since the factory method is a static one Telerik suggested that I should wrap the static method
Temember that this is in design time (using telerik wizard)
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