DataPortal.Create failed () (3.8.2, ObjectFactory)

DataPortal.Create failed () (3.8.2, ObjectFactory)

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lj98 posted on Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I am using csls 3.8.2 and choose ObjectFactory in dataportal, but I got error "DataPortal.Create failed () " at
        public static Order NewOrder()
            return DataPortal.Create< Order >();

InnerException: System.InvalidOperationException
       Message="Factory type or assembly could not be loaded (SoTop.TFaquir.Data.OrderFactory, SoTop.TFaquir.Data)"

Anyone can be help? Thanks.

lj98 replied on Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I guess something must be wrong when using reflection to create the instance of SoTop.TFaquir.Data.OrderFactory

JonnyBee replied on Wednesday, May 26, 2010


This message implies that either assembly SoTop.TFaquir.Data.dll is not present or does not contain class SoTop.TFaquir.Data.OrderFactory on the logical "serverside" of the data portal.

If you are not using LocalProxy make sure that this assaembly is present in the serverside bin-folder.If you ar using LocalProxy make sure the assembly is present in applications bin folder.

Note - the class name must be correctly spelled (upper/lover casing) so the type can be found.

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