I changed the csla version to 3.8.3 with the hope this problem will be solved but it remains same.. I'm using VS 2010 Prof on Win 7 with csla 3.8.3 (Winforms)..
I'm using following line to get filtered list from my BO
FilteredList =
from T in _TAList
where T.InfoType == InfoType
select T;
Upto this point everything is ok, i'm getting filtered list..
Now i need to replace one column from this filtered list.. When i run the for each loop on this fitlered list (which is having 107 items), replacing code is not executed and straight away the code jumps to the next line after this..
Can somebody help me with this..
foreach (var item in
You can block CSLA from generating an LBL by adding .ToList() to your _TAlist:
from T in _TAlist.ToList() where ... select T;
That's probably your best bet, since it doesn't sound like you want or need an LBL anyway.
CSLA 4 gets rid of this automatic creation of an LBL - if you want one it is an explicit request you must make.
Noted below point but if i do that then how i can replace cols in underlying filtered bo..
For this eg. i just showed one query but i'm doing filtering on other cols also and finally giving option to user for a quick replace within the filtered list.. Kindly advs..
Maybe I don't understand what you are trying to do.
You are saying that you do the query, and the foreach does not traverse any items? So the result of the query is empty?
Sorry i will explain in detail..
I'm giving option to user where he can do filtering on this list (For eg. items of a specific Infotype) and then he can do replacing on that filtered list..
For eg. out of 1000 items, he first filtered item with infotype = 1.. now he wants to replace this infotype to say 2..
With the for each loop i'm replacing single entry at a time..
(var item in
ReplaceSingleEntry(item); Kindly also note that FilteredList retrieved via linq query is also databinded to winforms (as user can see the recs which he has filtered)
_TACtrl.tAListBindingSource.DataSource = FilteredList;
Problem is that although the filteredlist in debugger is showing count as 107 and even i can see the filtered records on the screen but when the for each loop is executed, my method or replacing each item is never executed.. if i executed the same code without linq i.e. directly on bo then my foreach loop works perfectly but with linq it is not getting executed..
I am unable to replicate your issue. This code works (simple console app referencing Csla.dll 3.8.3):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Csla;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var root = DataPortal.Fetch<TestList>();
var filtered = from r in root
where r.Id > 2
select r;
foreach (var item in filtered)
public class TestList : BusinessListBase<TestList, TestItem>
protected void DataPortal_Fetch()
RaiseListChangedEvents = false;
Add(DataPortal.FetchChild<TestItem>(1, "a"));
Add(DataPortal.FetchChild<TestItem>(2, "w"));
Add(DataPortal.FetchChild<TestItem>(3, "b"));
Add(DataPortal.FetchChild<TestItem>(4, "z"));
RaiseListChangedEvents = true;
public class TestItem : BusinessBase<TestItem>
private static PropertyInfo<int> IdProperty = RegisterProperty<int>(c => c.Id);
public int Id
get { return GetProperty(IdProperty); }
set { SetProperty(IdProperty, value); }
private static PropertyInfo<string> NameProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(c => c.Name);
public string Name
get { return GetProperty(NameProperty); }
set { SetProperty(NameProperty, value); }
private void Child_Fetch(int id, string name)
using (BypassPropertyChecks)
Id = id;
Name = name;
I checked this issue in detail and below are the details for the same..
In LinqBinding List Line 874
var subset = (_list as Linq.IIndexSearchable<T>).SearchByBLOCKED EXPRESSION.GenericParameterPosition' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'
GUID: {79a71847-1936-3eef-aef0-5baf854a6b51}
HasElementType: false
IsAbstract: false
IsAnsiClass: true
IsArray: false
IsAutoClass: false
IsAutoLayout: true
IsByRef: false
IsClass: true
IsCOMObject: false
IsContextful: false
IsEnum: false
IsExplicitLayout: false
IsGenericParameter: false
IsGenericType: false
IsGenericTypeDefinition: false
IsImport: false
IsInterface: false
IsLayoutSequential: false
IsMarshalByRef: false
IsNested: false
IsNestedAssembly: false
IsNestedFamANDAssem: false
IsNestedFamily: false
IsNestedFamORAssem: false
IsNestedPrivate: false
IsNestedPublic: false
IsNotPublic: false
IsPointer: false
IsPrimitive: false
IsPublic: true
IsSealed: false
IsSecurityCritical: true
IsSecuritySafeCritical: false
IsSecurityTransparent: false
IsSerializable: true
IsSpecialName: false
IsUnicodeClass: false
IsValueType: false
IsVisible: true
MemberType: TypeInfo
Module: {Order.dll}
Namespace: "OM.BO.OrderNs.HRNs.TA"
ReflectedType: null
StructLayoutAttribute: {System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute}
TypeHandle: {System.RuntimeTypeHandle}
TypeInitializer: null
UnderlyingSystemType: {Name = "TAList" FullName = "OM.BO.OrderNs.HRNs.TA.TAList"}
my msg didn't come properly in previous msg.. i'm attaching a text file with all details
Can you take my simple example (previous post) and use it to replicate your problem? I need a simple repro of the issue to troubleshoot.
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