Mobile Objects

Mobile Objects

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Harmanjeet posted on Thursday, June 03, 2010

Hi! Rocky

I am reading your book Expert C# Objects 2008.

Chapter 1: Distributed Architecture

Page : 28

Just Above Paragrapg Heading : A New Logical Architecture

You Mentioned: As long as there is support for mobile objects, this is an ideal solution: it provides code reuse, low maintenance costs, and high performance.

What do you mean by:  that underline sentence ?

waiting for an early response.




RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, June 04, 2010

Not all platforms provide support for the concept of mobile objects. That requires the ability to serialize an object graph at the field level, regardless of the scope of those fields.

Java and .NET do provide that capability. COM did not, which made this architecture much harder.

However, since writing that book, I've made Silverlight support mobile objects, even though it doesn't have native support for the concept. That's the reason for the MobileFormatter - which is how I added mobile object support to a platform that otherwise doesn't support the idea (due to limitations on reflection).

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