Hi all.
I am attempting to port code from CSLA 3.8 to CSLA 4.0. Having a bit of trouble with the new rules methodology regarding asynchronous rules.
Under 3.8 I implemented asynch rules as follows (yes, I'm an atavist and still use VB .Net):
'Add Asynchronous no duplicate eMail check
ValidationRules.AddRule(AddressOf eMailExists, New AsyncRuleArgs(eMailProperty))
Which used the following methods:
Private Shared Sub eMailExists(ByVal context As AsyncValidationRuleContext)
Dim command As New cmdNewMemberEMailExists(context.PropertyValues("eMail"))
Dim dp As DataPortal(Of cmdNewMemberEMailExists) = New DataPortal(Of cmdNewMemberEMailExists)()
AddHandler dp.ExecuteCompleted, AddressOf eMailExistsCompleted
dp.BeginExecute(command, context)
End Sub
Private Shared Sub eMailExistsCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataPortalResult(Of cmdNewMemberEMailExists))
Dim context As AsyncValidationRuleContext = CType(e.UserState, AsyncValidationRuleContext)
If e.Error IsNot Nothing Then
context.OutArgs.Description = "Error checking for duplicate eMail Address. " & e.Error.ToString()
context.OutArgs.Severity = RuleSeverity.Error
context.OutArgs.Result = False
If e.Object.ExistsKey > 0 Then
context.OutArgs.Description = "This eMail Address is already registered!"
context.OutArgs.Severity = RuleSeverity.Error
context.OutArgs.Result = False
context.OutArgs.Result = True
End If
End If
End Sub
I can't see how to translate that to the new BusinessRules.AddRule method.
Can anyone help me with what the new syntax is to achieve the same thing under CSLA 4? I tried to look at the Rolodex sample for CSLA 4, but it's still using the old method of ValidationRules that doesn't work.
Rules in CSLA 4 are now a type, not a method. The conversion process is the same in VB and C#:
For simple rule methods, this is a pretty easy conversion, and you can see examples in my blog posts (in C#, but still, it is simple code).
For more complex rules this can take more work.
For async rules, you'll need a constructor, in which you set IsAsync to true. Again, my blog posts should be pretty instructive.
You are the man, Rocky! Exactly what I needed - I'll be sure to check your Blog in the future as another resource.
I hope you and your family enjoy a much-deserved vacation next week!
- Greg
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