DataPortal CreateCompleted Not Raised

DataPortal CreateCompleted Not Raised

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mcalhoun posted on Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I have am trying to work with CSLA Silverlight v4 Beta 2 and when I create the async factory methods, the CreateCompleted event never seems to be raised. Is this something that should be done automatically, or do I have to do something in my code to trigger the Event being raised? Below is the code I'm having issues with.


[ObjectFactory("MyApp.CustomerFactory, MyApp.Domain")]
public class Customer : BusinessBase<Customer>

   [Obsolete("required by Silverlight Serialization. Do not call manually", true)]
   public Customer()


   public static void NewCustomer(EventHandler<DataPortalResult<Customer>> callback)
      var dp = new DataPortal<Customer>(DataPortal.ProxyModes.LocalOnly);
      dp.CreateCompleted += callback;

public class CustomerFactory : ObjectFactory
   public Customer Create()
      var entity = (Customer)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(Customer), null);

      using (BypassPropertyChecks(entity))
         LoadProperty<Guid>(entity, Customer.IdProperty, Guid.NewGuid());
         entity.Name = "Default Name";

      return entity;

[TestMethod, Asynchronous]
public void Can_Create_Customer()
   DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
   bool created = false;

   Customer entity = null;
   Customer.NewCustomer(delegate(object sender, DataPortalResult<Customer> result)
                                             entity = (Customer) result.Object;
                                         created = true;

   EnqueueConditional(() =>
                Assert.IsTrue((DateTime.Now - startTime) < TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), "Timeout waiting for DataPortal to create object");
                return created;

   EnqueueCallback(() => Assert.IsNotNull(entity));
   EnqueueCallback(() => Assert.IsInstanceOfType(entity, typeof(Customer)));

RockfordLhotka replied on Sunday, June 13, 2010

If you are using the local data portal, then your factory methods must accept a callback parameter, and must invoke that callback - otherwise the data portal has no way of knowing when your factory method has completed (since it assumed to be async).

If you are using a remote data portal, then your code should work, since the factory object would be running on the .NET side, where (at that level) all data portal calls are synchronous.

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