MobileList as ItemSource for AutoCompleteBox Issues

MobileList as ItemSource for AutoCompleteBox Issues

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Jav posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have a mobileList<> of Root objects as ItemSource of an AutoCompleteBox.  I allow the user to Add/Remove items to the list.  Everything works great except for one thing.

In the ViewModel, I have these methods
     public void AddCityToCityList(string city)
            if (city.Length > 0)
                    City obj= City.NewCity(city);

     private void SaveComplete(object sender, SavedEventArgs e)

I know that the city is added to the list, but it does not show up in the AutoCompleteBox list unless I reload the CityList by by doing this:
which makes this line:   this.Model.Add((City)e.NewObject); pretty much redundent.

Some of my lists are pretty large.  I would love to have the AutoCompleteBox list get updated with the ListChanged event when I Add/Remove the items - but I cannot figure out how.



ajj3085 replied on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In your Add method on the model, can you raise a NotifiyCollectionChanged event?  I don't believe MobileList implements the INotifyCollectionChanged interface.  May need to make a subclass that will.

Jav replied on Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I believe Csla Collection classes inherit from BindingList<T> and therefore implement IBindingList interface which supports ListChanged Event.  Based on that, one can say that Csla collection classes do not implement INotifyCollectionChanged.  But I would assume that ListChanged event is being raised by the MobileList as an item is either added or removed.  Is the AutocompleteBox (Or a ListBox or DataGrid) not supposed to respond to it by refreshing the ItemSource.  Or is there something I am supposed to do?


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