VB.NET Windows Application support for CSLA framework version 3.8.3 for .NET 3.5

VB.NET Windows Application support for CSLA framework version 3.8.3 for .NET 3.5

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9167.aspx

shanthimai posted on Friday, July 02, 2010


I need to develop a project in windows application (VB.NET 2008)  using CSLA framework .

I would like to confirm whether CSLA framework for .NET 3.5 is 3.8.3  support this requirement as this framework is authored in c# only.

Can anyone guide me on this.




ajj3085 replied on Friday, July 02, 2010

Yes, you can use 3.8.3.  The choice to code clsa in C# doesn't affect the ability to use it in VB.Net.

shanthimai replied on Saturday, July 03, 2010

We need to use data access and business layer in C# and only UI in VB.Net or we can use VB.NET itself for all the layers ?

How this CSLA version 3.8.3  works  for the above scenario?



lukky replied on Sunday, July 04, 2010


The fact that CSLA itself is written in C# doesn't prevent you from using it either in C# or VB project.

Once the CSLA library is compiled and added as a reference to your project, it's completely transparent. That's the way .NET works.


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