Dates, DataGridViews, and ErrorProviders

Dates, DataGridViews, and ErrorProviders

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cmay posted on Wednesday, August 16, 2006

I am trying to databind a smartdate (actually the Text property of a smartdate) to a cell in a datagridview.

Now I know I can write some validation methods to check that, for exmaple, that the date is greater than today, and I can use the errorprovider to display a nice error message.

However, I seem lost as to how I can validate that the text typed in as being a date.

i.e. If the person types in "ASDF" for the date, I would like to show a validation error message just as if they typed in "1/1/1900" for a date that must be in the future.

The only thing I can think of is to do some work arounds, for example:

1) check the text to make sure its a date
2) if not a valid date, don't set the SmartDate Text property and instead store the "bad" text in a private variable
3) Call the propertychanged
4) check the "bad" text  variable and raise a validation error.

I'm thinking there should be a better way to do this... anyone know how to validate that the text for a smartdate and tap into the errorprovider/validation events?

Jurjen replied on Wednesday, August 16, 2006


As fas as I know SmartDate already does this check for you when you set the Text property.

Dim sd as new csla.SmartDate
sd.Text = "ASDF"

will result in an exception...

An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentException' occurred in Csla.dll
Additional information: String value can not be converted to a date

...and the SmartDate object will keep the value it had before...


cmay replied on Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Well it does throw that error, but that exception doesn't work with errorprovidor.

I can catch that error and display my own msgbox to the user, but there is already this built in method for checking (validating) the values using the CSLA Vadation Rules.  I am trying to tap into that so I can get the nice inline error icons and tooltips and what not.


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