I have the problem with the update:
I am working in CSLA.net 4 <4.0.0>, Using a DataGrid with a BusinessListBase and BusinessBase. My fetch work nice.
To update a line in the Grid my CanSave binding works on my apply button. I use this:
<Button x:Name="ButtonApplyTop"
Width="75" Content="Apply"
IsEnabled="{Binding CanSave, Mode=OneWay}"/>
<my1:TriggerAction Height="0" x:Name="ButtonApplyTopTrigger" Width="0"
TargetControl="{Binding ElementName=ButtonApplyTop}"
TriggerEvent="Click" MethodName="Save"
When I click Apply it execute the save method, i know because i ovveride it, but do not reach my Child_Update() in the BusinessBase:
private void Child_Update()
Do not even reach this in:
protected override void DataPortal_Update()
using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("StaffSenseDb"))
I also try this in the child object not working:
protected override void DataPortal_Update()
using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("xxxx"))
What is wrong? Please help.
What does your root object's DataPortal_Insert and DataPortal_Update look like? Are you calling the appropriate child update methods?
sorry for the late reply, we wanted to transfer our code to the latest csla 4 dll's. we had to create a new project for it to work, becuase the bxf dll's crashed with the old csla 4 dll's and we could not clean the dll's out of the compiler, so we created a new project and put in the new csla 4 dll's and it work.
we still get the problem, the fetch works, we do not need insert only update of lines in grid.
For the update:
private void DataPortal_Fetch(Business.RowCall.RowCallDetailsCriteria criteria)
using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("XXX"))
using (var cm = ctx.Connection.CreateCommand())
protected override void DataPortal_Update() // this is never been reach
using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("StaffSenseDb"))
on the BusinessListBase client it gives an error 'update to server fails'' at:
public override void Child_Update(params object[] parameters)
private void Child_Fetch(SafeDataReader dr, Business.RowCall.RowCallDetailsCriteria criteria)
private void Child_Update() //not working
// also tried private void Child_Update(params object[] parameters)
[Transactional(TransactionalTypes.TransactionScope)] //not working
protected override void DataPortal_Update()
using (var ctx = ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("StaffSenseDb"))
VMMV Search:
public void Search()
Presenter.ShowStatus(new Status { IsBusy = true, Text = "Searching row calls..." });
Client Side:
public static void Search(EventHandler<DataPortalResult<RowCallSummaryRORL>> callback)
var dp = new DataPortal<RowCallSummaryRORL>();
dp.FetchCompleted += callback;
Server side:
private void Child_Fetch(SafeDataReader dr, Business.RowCall.RowCallDetailsCriteria criteria)
server side:
private void Child_Update()
we just had to play around with the ViewModel verbs, Server Side names and Criteria Objects content
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