I am trying to
I am not using data portal feature of CSLA. Save process consists of write object into XML document, call web service method (not colas based), merge server response into object. Web service method can fail to save objects for variety of reasons (server side business rules validation, data integrity errors, etc.). If it fails, it return description of the problem. I want to integrate this status into string returned by
BusinessBase.IDataErrorInfo.Error.I see several methods, but I don't like any of them.
1. keep error description in data member of my class, override
by BusinessBase.IDataErrorInfo.Error to return this error or redirect call to base class.2. Add this error to broken rules list.
- BrokenRule class doesn't have public setters nor public constructor. Hack it and implement way of constructing broken rule without RuleMethod.
- Fake
RuleMethod argument of BrokenRule constructor by creating this object on stack and then calling BrokenRule constructor.- Be good citizen and implement proper business rule that check local data member of my class and fails if this member is not empty. I don't like since this rule will be checked all the time and will slow loading time of large collections.
Any suggestions?
Any changes in 2.1 that will help this situation?
Collections can be larger than 20k. I am looking forward to 2.1 per-class validation rules. In mean time I implemented custom rule that passes special property of the object as error description. This was the only way I could work around private and internal methods and classes of valiadtion rules area.
The only inconvinence that I need to add this rule and this rule stays in collection of business rules for lifetime of the object.
SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1062:ValidateArgumentsOfPublicMethods")] public static bool ServerSideValidation(object target, RuleArgs e){
string value = (string)Utilities.CallByName(target, e.PropertyName, CallType.Get); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)){
e.Description = value;
return false;
return true;}
Browsable(false)] const string ServerSideValidationStatusName = "ServerSideValidationStatus"; public string ServerSideValidationStatus{
get { return _ServerSideValidationStatus; } set{
_ServerSideValidationStatus =
value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_ServerSideValidationStatus)){
//remove broken ruleValidationRules.CheckRules(ServerSideValidationStatusName);
//add broken ruleValidationRules.AddRule(CorpTax.ETS.Common.BusinessEntities.Validation.
CommonRules.ServerSideValidation, ServerSideValidationStatusName);ValidationRules.CheckRules(ServerSideValidationStatusName);
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