Giving Credit in my app / graphic / icon to use etc...

Giving Credit in my app / graphic / icon to use etc...

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figuerres posted on Thursday, August 17, 2006

Hi, I am just getting rolling with 2.x and like what I see so far.

I am using it to develop a small app and want to give credit for the framework in an about dialog or on a startup screen.

wondering if Rocky has any graphic he would like to have used for that?

for example my UI is using a library called "Krypton toolkit" and "Krypton Navigator"

and they have a small graphic I will use to help identify that part.

I'd kinda like to do the same with csla.

any ideas ?

is there a good logo image I can use ?


RockfordLhotka replied on Saturday, August 19, 2006

I very much appreciate you wanting to do this, thank you!

Just at the moment there isn't such a logo image, but Chris Russi is very kindly helping me develop a logo graphic, so hopefully such a thing will exist in the not too distant future Smile [:)]

figuerres replied on Saturday, August 19, 2006

I very much appreciate you wanting to do this, thank you!

Just at the moment there isn't such a logo image, but Chris Russi is very kindly helping me develop a logo graphic, so hopefully such a thing will exist in the not too distant future Smile [:)]


Hey as a fellow coder, a long time DotNetRocks listener and all I know what kind of work goes into this stuff...

I now have a project in the works where I (if all goes well) will combine CSLA with some UI bits from to build a custom app for a client.

I am also looking at CodeSmith as a tool in this process....

funny Rocky; I have been going thru your book and it's like DejaVu or somthin'

I started way back with things like dBase III and Clipper and over time I have seen software for business keep playing on the same set of things.... I think we are getting close to a place where a good deal of the "Grunt Work" can be generated for us... which I hope is a good thing.

many times I have had to work to make the things that should be simple work.... and not had time to make the neat stuff work that really makes the app shine!

so yep, I like to "Give Credit Where Credit is Due"  :-)

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