FYI, I downloaded the CSLA 4 RTM, and I get a compilation error when compiling the csla.silverlight.test project. The compilation error is in PropertyGetSetTests.cs. The 2 classes at the bottom of the file (Command and ReadOnly) have the Serializable attribute, but the compiler couldn't resolve it. I got it working by adding a using Csla.Serialization. Looks like these classes were added between RC1 and RTM?
Just thought I would let you know.
Thanks everybody for all the hard work on CSLA 4!
Ouch - egg on my face. Especially since I keep nagging people to run the unit tests before checking stuff in, and here I failed to do exactly that
Yes, those classes were added to test a fix to LoadProperty - but I only ran them on the .NET side (as you can probably tell...)
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