I need to make Root object that this is a collection of other objects. So in the update method would it be ok to create the connection to the database in the overridden method DataPortal_Update() of the Collection object then reuse that connection to work with the objects in the collection like so:
override void DataPortal_Update(){
RaiseListChangedEvents =
false; using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(Database.CustomerDB)){
foreach (Customer cust in DeletedList)cust .DeleteSelf(cn);
foreach (Customer cust in this) if (cust .IsNew)cust .Insert(cn,
this); elsecust .Update(cn,
this);RaiseListChangedEvents =
All root objects including editable root list uses DataPortal_Update method so your implementation is correct.
Create connection in this method is also an acceptable method. In fact its a good way to avoid dtc from kicks in sql2k5 when using TtransactionScope.
You don't need to pass your current object (list object) when calling insert or update method though.
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