Configurable Physical Deployment Options via CSLA.NET 3.8.3

Configurable Physical Deployment Options via CSLA.NET 3.8.3

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shanthimai posted on Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Am developing a winform app using + VS2008 + CSLA 3.8.3

Whether (.NET Remoting + Windows forms 2008 +CSLA 3.8.3) this Application supports configurable physical deployment options (e.g. ability to switch from 2-tier to Multi-tier deployment via configuration settings without recompiling code)

Whether this is possible?




RockfordLhotka replied on Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yes, that is one of the primary features of the data portal and of CSLA .NET.

The Core 3.8 video series has an entire video covering the data portal and how to use it effectively, including configuring for 2-tier and 3-tier deployments.

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