In one of my model class I registered a property using CSLA.PropertyInfo<T> object.
static PropertyInfo<string> LastNameProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(new PropertyInfo<string>("LastName", "Last Name", string
Now at the client side, I am using a sliverlight grid to bind the list of records. I need to retrieve all properteis of that model object and for that I am using the following linq code.
var result = from res in MyGrid.SelectedItem.GetType().GetProperties()
where res.DeclaringType.FullName == MyGrid.SelectedItem.GetType().FullName
The problem is the GetProperties() method returns enumberator of System.Reflection.PropertyInfo objects and I really need to either cast/convert it to the CSLA object so that I can fetch additonal information like friendly name that I added during registering it. Anybody have any idea how to do this? Fahahm
select res;
The problem is the GetProperties() method returns enumberator of System.Reflection.PropertyInfo objects and I really need to either cast/convert it to the CSLA object so that I can fetch additonal information like friendly name that I added during registering it.
Anybody have any idea how to do this?
.NET reflection will obviously return .NET reflection types, not CSLA types.
To get the Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo (PropertyInfo<T>) objects you'll need to call a method on FieldManager from within your object itself. If you need this information outside the object, you'll need to add a public method on your object to externalize the information.
I suppose another option is to use .NET reflection to get all static fields from the object, then filter the results so you only have Csla.Core.IPropertyInfo objects - that'd get you all the properties with public PropertyInfo<T> fields.
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