upgrading from Csla 3.8.2 to 4.0 using Silverlight 4 and VB

upgrading from Csla 3.8.2 to 4.0 using Silverlight 4 and VB

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9461.aspx

germie posted on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

are there any examples out there that use the mvvm approach accessing data through wcf?
thank you

RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You mean with a local data portal so the data methods are running on the client and calling remote WCF services?

That's no different from an MVVM perspective than using a remote data portal.

MVVM is a UI pattern - it describes how the view and viewmodel interact.So all the MVVM stuff is independent of how the model is persisted (for the most part).

The CSLA MVVM samples show how to build a viewmodel that interacts with a CSLA model. But at that level there's no difference between a business object using a local or remote data portal.

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