No matter what I've tried, (and I've tried all the things mentioned in every article I can find!), I cannot get the FindControl to work.
<asp:Wizard ID="Wizard1" runat="server" ActiveStepIndex="0"
OnActiveStepChanged="Wizard1_ActiveStepChanged" >
<asp:WizardStep ID="WizardStep1" runat="server" Title="Start" ></asp:WizardStep>
<asp:WizardStep ID="WizardStep2" runat="server" Title="Select Edit Option" ></asp:WizardStep>
<asp:Label ID="lblNote" runat="server" Text="Wizard Step Title Goes here" ></asp:Label>
protected void Wizard1_ActiveStepChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label lblNote = (Label)Wizard1.FindControl("lblNote");
// No matter how I've tried the above line, lblNote is always null.
if (lblNote != null)
lblNote.Text = Wizard1.WizardSteps[Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex].Title;
I moved the label to one of the steps, and the same FindControl code could find the label.
I've tried Wizard1.FindControl, WizardStep1.FindControl, Wizard1.Page.FindControl, and half-a-dozen other ways.
Any ideas?
Found this routine at that does the trick very nicely:
private Control FindControl(Control parent, string id)
if (parent.ID == id)
{ return parent; }
foreach (Control child in parent.Controls)
Control recurse = FindControl(child, id);
if (recurse != null)
{ return recurse; }
return null;
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