So I thought of doing something kinda cool. You might be interested in this a little bit too... Back to dealing with my Library of objects, I have some properties that need to be encrypted and/or be used as an "extended attribute". Alot of my properties use the csla businessbase GetProperty method, and I thought of tweaking those up in order to handle the option to either be an extended attribute and/or encrypted. So within my library of objects, the property would look something like so:
Public Property SSN() As String
Return GetProperty(Of String)(_SSNProperty, _SSN)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
SetProperty(Of String)(_SSNProperty, _SSN, value)
End Set
End Property
turned into this...
Public Property SSN() As String
Return GetProperty(Of String)(_SSNProperty, _SSN, False, True)
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
SetProperty(Of String)(_SSNProperty, _SSN, value, False, True)
End Set
End Property
In the csla/Core/BusinessBase.vb file, I worked out the GetProperty function nicely, but the SetProperty method is giving me slightly more trouble...
Protected Function GetProperty(ByVal propertyInfo As IPropertyInfo, Optional ByVal extendedproperty As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal decrypt As Boolean = False) As Object
Dim result As Object = Nothing
If _bypassPropertyChecks OrElse CanReadProperty(propertyInfo.Name, False) Then
Dim info = FieldManager.GetFieldData(propertyInfo)
If info IsNot Nothing Then
result = info.Value
End If
result = propertyInfo.DefaultValue
End If
If extendedproperty = True Then
result = ExtendedAttribute.GetExtendedAttribute(FieldManager.GetFieldData(propertyInfo).Name)
End If
If decrypt = True Then
Dim data As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(CStr(result))
result = AsymmetricEncryptionUtility.DecryptData(data, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("RSA.AsymmetricalKey"))
End If
Return result
End Function
The place where the newValue is located is giving me a bit of trouble considering that the attribute needs to take in a string value.
Protected Sub SetProperty(Of P)(ByVal propertyInfo As PropertyInfo(Of P), ByVal newValue As P, ByVal noAccess As Security.NoAccessBehavior, Optional ByVal extendedProperty As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal encrypt As Boolean = False)
If _bypassPropertyChecks OrElse CanWriteProperty(propertyInfo.Name, noAccess = Security.NoAccessBehavior.ThrowException) Then
Dim oldValue As P = Nothing
Dim fieldData = FieldManager.GetFieldData(propertyInfo)
If fieldData Is Nothing Then
oldValue = propertyInfo.DefaultValue
fieldData = FieldManager.LoadFieldData(Of P)(propertyInfo, oldValue)
Dim fd = TryCast(fieldData, FieldManager.IFieldData(Of P))
If fd IsNot Nothing Then
oldValue = fd.Value
oldValue = DirectCast(fieldData.Value, P)
End If
End If
If GetType(P) Is GetType(String) AndAlso newValue Is Nothing Then
newValue = CoerceValue(Of P)(GetType(String), Nothing, String.Empty)
End If
If extendedProperty = True Then
ExtendedAttribute.SetExtendedAttribute(propertyInfo.Name, newValue)
End If
If encrypt = True Then
newValue = AsymmetricEncryptionUtility.EncryptData(newValue, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("RSA.AsymmetricalKey"))
End If
LoadPropertyValue(Of P)(propertyInfo, oldValue, newValue, Not _bypassPropertyChecks)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw New PropertyLoadException(String.Format(My.Resources.PropertyLoadException, propertyInfo.Name, ex.Message))
End Try
End If
End Sub
Any ideas would be appreciated...