as the title,How csla light access linq data?
By "linq data" I assume you mean data on the server that you are accessing through LINQ to SQL or LINQ to Entities?
This is done using standard CSLA data access. Set up a remote data portal on the server and use one of the four data access models described in the data FAQ ( to contain your data access code.
The use of a remote data portal is described in Expert 2008 Business Objects, the Core 3.8 video series and the CSLA .NET for Silverlight video series. The four data access models are described in Expert 2008 Business Objects and the Core 3.8 video series. Data access is also demonstrated in the Silverlight video series, but not quite in as much detail as the other two sources.
maybe i should ask how csla light access database?
you samples for sivlerlight use mock DB , why don't you give some useful samples use really sqlserver Database?
i ' m a newbie of csla.
Hi ddredstar
As much as Rocky puts a lot of effort into answering questions on the forum, his time is valuable.
You really should buy his book, which explains how CSLA works, or purchase one of the video series.
But, if you don't want to do that, there are other samples which do actually access a real database.
Cheers and good luck!
Hi ddredstar
As much as Rocky puts a lot of effort into answering questions on the forum, his time is valuable.
You really should buy his book, which explains how CSLA works, or purchase one of the video series.
But, if you don't want to do that, there are other samples which do actually access a real database.
Cheers and good luck!
Thanks very much, guys, i have succeed to access database.
By the way, i did buy your book, Chinese edition, i can't find an English one in China.
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