4.0.1. bug -> Csla.Xaml ItemGroup resource invalid

4.0.1. bug -> Csla.Xaml ItemGroup resource invalid

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9517.aspx

rfcdejong posted on Friday, September 10, 2010

Minor bug: Csla.Xaml.csproj is directing to csla.Silverlight\Resources.

    <Resource Include="..\Csla.Silverlight\Resources\Error.png">
    <Resource Include="..\Csla.Silverlight\Resources\Information.png">
    <Resource Include="..\Csla.Silverlight\Resources\Warning.png">

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, September 10, 2010

Why is this a bug? Those files exist and the solution builds fine?

rfcdejong replied on Friday, September 10, 2010

It's minor

There is just a dependency that Csla.xaml.dll requires the Csla.Silverlight project to be there.
It doesn't matter to me, but new people could be confused. The same with the output being set to ..\..\Bin\Client

I don't mind letting it be this way, i though it might had been something u forgot Smile

RockfordLhotka replied on Friday, September 10, 2010

The DLL shouldn't require the project - by that time the files will have been compiled in as resources and they should be in the DLL itself.

The Csla.Xaml project requires that the rest of the CSLA solution structure be present, otherwise the solution/projects won't build. That's intentional.

And of course the output of all projects going to \Bin\Client, \Bin\Server, \Bin\Silverlight and \Bin\Wp is very intentional.

rfcdejong replied on Friday, September 10, 2010

The dll doesn't require the project indeed, there is no reference.. the project requires the silverlight project to be present, that's all.

Just another difference with pre 4.0 
I believe this setup is easier for developers new to csla, a good change Smile

Before u needed several downloads to work with csla.

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