I'm using CSLA.NET 3.8.4. In my Business Library I have an object Quotation contains collection of items. Now, I want to update the Property 'GrandTotal' of Quotation object whenever collection object modifies.
Thanks & Regards
Best way is to hook into the ChildChanged event in your Quotation object where you run a linq query on the collection to calculate GrandTotal and update the GrandTotal field.
I have created an event in my BusinessBase class 'Quotation'
But the event I wrote is not firing. Below is the code from my object
#region Factory Methods
public static Quotation NewQuotation()
return DataPortal.Create<Quotation>();
public static Quotation NewQuotation(SalesRequest salesRequest)
return DataPortal.Create<Quotation>(salesRequest);
public static Quotation GetQuotation(int id)
return DataPortal.Fetch<Quotation>(
new SingleCriteria<Quotation, int>(id));
public static void Delete(int id)
DataPortal.Delete(new SingleCriteria<Quotation, int>(id));
private Quotation()
{ /* Require use of factory methods */ }
#region Events
private void Child_Changed(object sender, ChildChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyChangedArgs.PropertyName == "TotalPrice")
Total = 0m;
foreach (QuotationItem quotationItem in Items)
Total += quotationItem.TotalPrice;
Thanks & Regards
Try and change to:
#region Events
protected override void OnChildChanged(object source, PropertyChangedEventArgs propertyArgs, ListChangedEventArgs listArgs)
base.OnChildChanged(source, propertyArgs, listArgs);
if (propertyArgs != null)
(propertyArgs.PropertyChangedArgs.PropertyName == "TotalPrice")
Total = Items.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice);
If you decide to use the Events as in your original code you must also hook into the event when your object is contructed or deserialized.
Thanks JonnyBee.
It's Working with small corrections as I wrote the code like below. [For your info: I'm using CSLA.NET 3.8.4]
protected override void OnChildChanged(ChildChangedEventArgs e)
if (e.PropertyChangedArgs != null)
if (e.PropertyChangedArgs.PropertyName == "TotalPrice")
Total = Items.Sum(p => p.TotalPrice);
The override method OnChildChanged only accepts one argument that is ChildChangedEventArgs.
Anyway thanks a lot for your help. But I want to raise the Event 'Child_Changed' rather than overriding. As per your suggestion I'll try and get back to you.
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