DenyWrite to a property but need to prepopulate the object in the Fetch?

DenyWrite to a property but need to prepopulate the object in the Fetch?

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jmfan1981 posted on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm a bit confused on how the authorization rules work

In my AddAuthorizationRules method, i have the following:

AuthorizationRules.DenyWrite(StatusProperty, "Guest");

in the Page i have something like

MyObject myObject = User.GetData(mycriteria);

GetData called the Fetch which tries to set the Status and errors out because of the DenyWrite

I need to be able to set that property on the GetData, I just wanted to deny write to the property if the user did something like

myObject.Status = "Active";

Am i missing something basic here? :)

JonnyBee replied on Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Use either


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