CSLA vs. SOA Architecture

CSLA vs. SOA Architecture

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/960.aspx

s7ry93r posted on Sunday, August 20, 2006

How would these guys architectures up on a high volume web farm. Lets assume that there is no legacy code involved. Here are some of my thoughts, ...

1. SOA will be slower ... all the wrapping in SOAP packets, XML parsing and such.

2. SOA will be less versatile ... CSLA remoting will not only "bring over" the object in question but all referenced objects as well (SOA does not have an equivalent).

3. SOA security is ??? Have never done this. Any advice?

4. AJAX and SOA seem to complement eachother. AJAX and CSLA, ???

5. SOA objects will need to be written in a "Chunky" manner, and should embrace Association over Composition.

Any insights, words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated!

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