Quoting the Project Description
"CslaGenFork is an O/RM code generator tool for CSLA.NET 4.0. It generates Business Layer and Data Access Layer code, as well as Stored Procedures code for SQL Server."
That's what you will find out on the project's home page.
One important reason?
CSLA.NET 4.0 compatibility.
Hey, couldn't be better timed as I am reviewing my options for Code Generation of CSLA.
Hope someone maintaining Rocky's site will update the "Code Generation" menu with reference to yours.
I'm glad you posted as I found your CodeProject articles some time ago, but assumed the code generator had been discontinued.
I'm sure CodeSmithTools have changed their website and there is now no mention of a free version.
Your CodePlex site is the only reference I can find to a free CodeSmith and it's version 2.6, and needs .Net 1.1
(I suppose I'd better find out whether I should install .Net 1.1 on my Win7 64bit PC, before I do)
Do you know whether your templates work with the current standard 5.2.2 version of CS?
After reading this, I'm not going to even try to install .Net 1.1
I get it now....
You launch CslaGenFork and from the tools menu point to the CodeSmith_26.zip. No need to unzip the Zip
And you need to point to the top dir of where your templates are before attempting anything.
I miss-read the How to on the codeplex site, as it said run MSI installer immediately after downloading CS Zip, but it means CslGenFork's MSI
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