Hi all,
Simple one...
Here's my code which is almost a carbon copy of Rockys code posted a while back
<NonSerialized()> _
Private mNonSerializable As EventHandler
Private mSerializable As EventHandler
Public Custom Event RecalculateNeeded As EventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
If value.Target.GetType.IsSerializable Then
mSerializable = CType([Delegate].Combine(mSerializable, value), EventHandler)
mNonSerializable = CType([Delegate].Combine(mNonSerializable, value), EventHandler)
End If
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
If value.Target.GetType.IsSerializable Then
mSerializable = CType([Delegate].Remove(mSerializable, value), EventHandler)
mNonSerializable = CType([Delegate].Remove(mNonSerializable, value), EventHandler)
End If
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If mNonSerializable IsNot Nothing Then mNonSerializable(sender, e)
If mSerializable IsNot Nothing Then mSerializable(sender, e)
End RaiseEvent
End Event
And then the wire-up
AddHandler BookAccomm.RecalculateNeeded, AddressOf RecalculateNeeded
However, when trying to bind the object I still get an error that the object which is handling the event is not marked as serializable. I've checked and the addhandler definitely combines the delegate with the nonserialized eventhandler
I'm pulling my hair out here! Any ideas?
Doing digging with FomatterServices.GetSerializableMembers() does not return the field marked as NonSerialized.
So somewhere there is a ref to the form which I've used to handle the event which the serializer is trying to package, yet if I remove the event wire-up code, the form binds fine
Aha, added NotUndoable attribute to the eventhandlers and everything is OK
Does this mean that somewhere in the framework CSLA is trying to serialize undoable members regardless if NonSerialized is set?
The undo feature is separate from serialization, but it is similar. And so it is controlled by its own attribute, and yes, you typically need to use both attributes to block serialization and undo.
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