Proper use of CSLA/.Net in general - good for my app?

Proper use of CSLA/.Net in general - good for my app?

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Rayk posted on Monday, August 21, 2006

I've asked a few questions here on the forum during my evaluation of CSLA.  Maybe I should point out what I'm trying to do, and you fine folks can tell me if I'm crazy or not.

Currently, I have an application written in Visual FoxPro using ODBC to connect to Oracle or SQL Server.  I need to convert this app to .Net.  We currently sell our software in 2 flavors, installed at the client's site via a license, or installed on our servers, accessed thru Citrix via an Application Service Provider type license.

My goal seems to fall in line with CSLA.
1.  I need to be able to run the Business Logic layer and Data Access layer either in 2-tier "thick" mode, like my current app, OR in some multi-tier format (depending on my client's capabilities.)
2.  I need to write a fairly straight forward web interface, with no duplication of business logic (or as little as possible.)
3.  For my Citrix clients
  a. they will be able to run the app via Citrix (2 tier thick mode on our servers, just like now).
  b. run a WinForm that can access the data on our database servers using Remoting or Web Services.
  c. access 'most' of the data via the web

This sounds like what CSLA will help me do.   Specifically, I hope to solve some user  interface delays when our clients use Citrix.  Since our app is alot of read-only data, I'd take the performance hit on loading data and on occasionally saving it.  This means running a WinForm app on the client's machine, and accessing our database thru Remoting/Web Services, getting thru whatever firewalls and proxy servers are in place. 

Any input would be greatly appreciated, especially if it is just a 'yes, we've done this'. 


JoeFallon1 replied on Monday, August 21, 2006

Yes. I have done (most) of this. <g>

I took a Foxpro app and made a Web version of it. It needed to work on Oracle and SQL Server.

I did not make a WInForms interface though. Yet most CSLA users have done it. The point is the same BOs will work for either Win or Web environment.

For Citrix clients you may want to keep using it or use a Web interface. I don't think you should try Remoting over the Internet.



figuerres replied on Monday, August 21, 2006

I've asked a few questions here on the forum during my evaluation of CSLA.  Maybe I should point out what I'm trying to do, and you fine folks can tell me if I'm crazy or not.

Currently, I have an application written in Visual FoxPro using ODBC to connect to Oracle or SQL Server.  I need to convert this app to .Net.  We currently sell our software in 2 flavors, installed at the client's site via a license, or installed on our servers, accessed thru Citrix via an Application Service Provider type license.

My goal seems to fall in line with CSLA.
1.  I need to be able to run the Business Logic layer and Data Access layer either in 2-tier "thick" mode, like my current app, OR in some multi-tier format (depending on my client's capabilities.)
2.  I need to write a fairly straight forward web interface, with no duplication of business logic (or as little as possible.)
3.  For my Citrix clients
  a. they will be able to run the app via Citrix (2 tier thick mode on our servers, just like now).
  b. run a WinForm that can access the data on our database servers using Remoting or Web Services.
  c. access 'most' of the data via the web

This sounds like what CSLA will help me do.   Specifically, I hope to solve some user  interface delays when our clients use Citrix.  Since our app is alot of read-only data, I'd take the performance hit on loading data and on occasionally saving it.  This means running a WinForm app on the client's machine, and accessing our database thru Remoting/Web Services, getting thru whatever firewalls and proxy servers are in place. 

Any input would be greatly appreciated, especially if it is just a 'yes, we've done this'. 



FWIW on the network and remoting / ws options:

I have an app not using CSLA and using webservices acrros firewalls etc....

works wvery well as long as you keep the server stateless and handle network problems in the client.

if you can use click once you can update clients very easy and not have to ship updates on cd to them.

I have a fair number of end users who are not very computer savy and it's been about 10 months.

upgrades have been good, the #1 errors are generaly a connection was closed or a dns can't find hostname, a few related ones like them.

say 5 errors that all go back to "the internet is not perfect" try again.

trap them and things are not bad -- and you don't have the hassles of running Citrix etc...

I am looking at moving a bunch of the web service code to WCF using TCP later as I think that will make for faster system perf etc....

but for now ws is doing the job.

1 sql , 1 iis server to about 200 clients doing over 10,000 ws calls a day 6 days a week for 10 months.



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