Hello, iam using Silverlight4 with csla 4.0 .
ihave command where it checks exists in Database
iam using async with the rule where it call the command from the server side
the command has constructor with parameter where it set the condition for check
on SL client side every thing work fine . but on .Net Server side the constructor with parameters
doesnt be executed . the used constructor is the default constructor
What Should i be missing here, this is my command code :
public class ExsistCurrncyName : CommandBase<ExsistCurrncyName>
{ ExsistCurrncyName() { }
string _currncyName;
public bool CurrncyExsist { get; private set
; }
public static bool IsExsist(string currncyName)
var result = DataPortal.Execute<ExsistCurrncyName>(new ExsistCurrncyName(currncyName));
public ExsistCurrncyName(string
{ CurrncyExsist =
_currncyName = currname; }
protected override void
using (var ctx = new EFData.GeneralAccountDBEntities())
{ CurrncyExsist = ((
from cr in ctx.Currencies where cr.CurrencyName.ToLower() == this._currncyName.ToLower()
select cr).Count() > 0);
} }
#endif }
A command is a mobile object, just like any other business object. If you don't use managed backing fields, you must manually serialize your fields. If you don't serialize a private field value, it won't flow across the wire through the data portal.
The simplest thing to do is to use managed properties.
In any case, when the object deserializes on the server the MobileFormatter will use the default constructor. That's just the way deserialization works. The server-side object is a clone of the client-side object, and its state should be set by the deserialization process, not by the constructor.
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