I am using an older version of CSLA and am trying to implment a datagridview. I am using a collection built from the BusinessListBase. The datagridview DataSource is the collection. It is working except for one circumstance. If I have a list of items displayed in the grid and click on the last item and then click on the new row. All is fine. If I repeat this action but after clicking on the new item I then click on the previous item and then click on the new item again I get an error that says "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." The place in CSLA where it is going bonkers is in the method InsertItem of the BusinesListBase. In my particular test I stoped just before the MyBase.InsertItem call. What I have determined is that on the first time I click on the new item in the grid the index value in the InsertItem method is "17". Then when I click on the previous row and then on the new row again I see that the index value is now "18". So it looks like according to the index values two rows have been added but on the grid only one new row is displayed. I am unable to step through the code where the problem is obvious. Does anyone have any suggestions.
There were a number of bugs around data binding in 2.1. You should upgrade to 3.0.5, which fixes the vast majority of the data binding issues.
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