I have the fallowing problem:
My BusinessObject has two Properties, which should be checked by a businessRule:
DefaultInchargeModeProperty - this is of type byte and has 0, 1 or 2 as value.
DefaultInchargeUserProperty - this is a ReadOnlyObject.
Now, when DefaultInchargeMode has the value 2, DefaultInchargeUserProperty must has a not null value.
I have now created the fallowing businessrule:
private class CheckDefaultInchargeRule : BusinessRule {
public CheckDefaultInchargeRule(IPropertyInfo primaryProperty)
: base(primaryProperty) {
InputProperties = new List<IPropertyInfo> { primaryProperty, DefaultInchargeUserProperty };
protected override void Execute(RuleContext context) {
if ((byte)context.InputPropertyValues[PrimaryProperty] == (byte)DefaultInchargeModes.GivenUser) {
if(context.InputPropertyValues[DefaultInchargeUserProperty] == null) {
context.AddErrorResult(DefaultInchargeUserProperty, string.Format(Properties.Resources.RequiredRule, DefaultInchargeUserProperty.FriendlyName));
I create the rule like this:
this.BusinessRules.AddRule(new CheckDefaultInchargeRule(DefaultInchargeModeProperty));
The Rule does not working.
but when I change
context.AddErrorResult(DefaultInchargeUserProperty, string.Format(Properties.Resources.RequiredRule, DefaultInchargeUserProperty.FriendlyName));
context.AddErrorResult(string.Format(Properties.Resources.RequiredRule, DefaultInchargeUserProperty.FriendlyName));
It works. why this? - I need in the Result the DefaultInchargeUserProperty for coloring the UI. I check, if there is a Binding from the view to the Property in the ErrorResult.
I hope someone can help me.
Hi Thomas,
I'll try to give me views to your rule here:
1. You need a business rule to check the property DefaultInchargeUserProperty
when DefaultInchargeMode has the value 2, DefaultInchargeUserProperty is required.
2. You have a dependency on the value of another property DefaultInchargeModeProperty
To solve this I would create the following rule for validatin DefaultInchargeUserProperty:
public class CheckInCharge : Csla.Rules.CommonRules.Required
private IPropertyInfo _chargeModeProperty;
public CheckInCharge(IPropertyInfo primaryProperty, IPropertyInfo chargeModeProperty) : base (primaryProperty)
_chargeModeProperty = chargeModeProperty;
if (InputProperties == null) InputProperties = new List<IPropertyInfo>();
public void Execute(RuleContext context)
if ((byte)context.InputPropertyValues[_chargeModeProperty] == (byte)DefaultInchargeModes.GivenUser)
And in AddBusinessRules:
this.BusinessRules.AddRule(new CheckInCharge(DefaultInchargeUserProperty));
this.BusinessRules.AddRule(new Dependency(DefaultInchargeModeProperty, DefaultInchargeUserProperty));
to make sure that if DeaultInchargeMode is changed then rules for DefaultInchargeUser field is rerun.
Hi JonnyBee
Thank you. This is now working fine.
Best Regards, Thomas
This would perhaps work with my ConditionProperty
// When InChargeMode = GivenUser then DefaultInchargeUserProperty is required
BusinessRules.AddRule(new ConditionRule<Required, DefaultInchargeModes>(
DefaultInchargeModeProperty, (p) => p == DefaultInchargeModes.GivenUser,
new Required(DefaultInchargeUserProperty)));
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