I am trying to get the SLDemo sample application to work in VS2008. I do not have VS2010 installed on my machine.
After manually converting the solution to the older format I ran into the following problem.
The solution references Csla.Xaml. I am not sure what to do here. There doesn't seem to be a Csla.Xaml reference in the CSLA 3.8.4 download. It looks to me that this is part of CSLA 4.0.
In 3.8 the code is directly in Csla.dll and is in the Csla.Wpf and Csla.Silverlight namespaces.
Not everything from CSLA 4 is in 3.8 of course, but the core bits from the video series are in 3.8 - I specifically back-ported everything necessary for the MVVM video series to apply to 3.8.4 and 4.
This is correct. I was a bit confused about the Demo Application. There are two SLDemo apps in the "MvvmVideo-100729.zip" file. The one in the SLDemo folder is for VS2010 IDE. It uses the CSLA.Xaml DLL. The 38 folder contains the SLDemo application for CSLA 3.8.4. Opened it with Visual Studio 2008 and it worked first time without any modificatins!!
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