Not able to retreive Items of BusinessListBase using reflection

Not able to retreive Items of BusinessListBase using reflection

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stiv posted on Tuesday, November 09, 2010


I have the following problem, using reflection i need to read each property of a BusinessObject to find if it implements
a given property to read it's current value, if the property that i'm reading is a BusinessListBase (IEditableCollection) i need to loop through
each item to find it they implement the wanted property...etc

But i don't know how to retrieve each item using reflection foreach doesn't work with IEditableCollection

I'm using the following to code to know it the object is a BusinessListBase

Type objectTypet = lista.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] pi = objectType.GetProperties();
foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in pi)
    object obj = p.GetValue(objecto, null);
 if (obj is IEditableCollection)
        Type t = lista.GetType();
        PropertyInfo[] pi = t.GetProperties();
        PropertyInfo count = t.GetProperty("Count");
        Int32 numCount = (int)count.GetValue(lista, null);
  *** Not able to read Items****

Any help will be appreciated.

Thanki'm advance,


RockfordLhotka replied on Tuesday, November 09, 2010

You probably just need to cast the collection to a different collection type - such as ICollection, IEnumerable, etc.

stiv replied on Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Thanks Rocky for your quick answer.

I resolved the problem. Here is the code  if it helps someone.



public static StatusTransaction TransactionChecker(object objecto)
            Type objectType = objecto.GetType();

            MemberInfo[] members =
                   BindingFlags.Public |
                   BindingFlags.Static |
                   BindingFlags.NonPublic |
                   BindingFlags.Instance |
                   Type.FilterName, "BreintekStatus");
            if ((members.Count() == 1) && ((int)((PropertyInfo)members[0]).GetValue(objecto, null) <= 0))

                return new StatusTransaction(false, (string)(objectType.GetProperty("BreintekStatusMessage")).GetValue(objecto, null), objecto, objectType);
                PropertyInfo[] propInfos = objectType.GetProperties();

                foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in propInfos)
                    object obj = propInfo.GetValue(objecto, null);                 

                    if ((obj is IEditableCollection) && (obj is IQueryable))
                        foreach (Object item in obj as IQueryable)
                            var transaction = TransactionChecker(item);
                            if (!transaction.TransactionOK)
                                return new StatusTransaction(false, transaction.TransactionMessage, item, item.GetType() );
                        if (obj is IEditableBusinessObject)
                            var transaction = TransactionChecker(obj);
                            if (!transaction.TransactionOK)
                                return new StatusTransaction(false, transaction.TransactionMessage, obj, obj.GetType());

            return new StatusTransaction(true, "OK", objecto, objectType);



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