CodeSmith and SQL for CSLA

CodeSmith and SQL for CSLA

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figuerres posted on Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hi, is anyone using the codesmith database templates to generate the procs for csla ?

are there any modified versions that "fit" csla I should look at ?

I am trying some small edits to the default codesmith templates but I am not real familiar yet with the code in them etc...


for example I want my inserts to not include some items and get the database defaults

like creation datetime.

and not include that in any updates unless used as part of the "WHERE ...."

but do include it in all the "SELECT ... FROM ... "

the cs default template will fiilter columns but it does not have (as far as I can tell) an option like the one I am describing.

I am sure in time I can modify the standard ones to suit me but has anyone done some of this already ??

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