got a brain block...what am I missing
Get an error on this line <
Abraca.Business.School.GetBySchoolIDAsync("SLS01", GetSchool_Completed);>
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Abraca.Business.School.GetBySchoolIDAsync("SLS01", GetSchool_Completed);
private void GetSchool_Completed(object sender, Csla.DataPortalResult<SchoolDetails> e)
if (e != null)
I think you missed on the objecttype.
Abraca.Business.School.GetBySchoolIDAsync("SLS01", GetSchool_Completed);>
If you BO is type School then that should also be the generic type of DataPortalResult
private void GetSchool_Completed(object sender, Csla.DataPortalResult<School> e)
Thanks, been a long day!
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