CSLA 4 version 4.1 beta 2 available

CSLA 4 version 4.1 beta 2 available

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9855.aspx

RockfordLhotka posted on Friday, December 10, 2010

I just put CSLA 4 version 4.1 beta 2 online for download. This is probably the last beta release of version 4.1, so please download and try it – I appreciate any help I can get in testing these releases.


The primary changes in beta 2 include:

  1. Added a new Csla.Xaml.PropertyInfo control for WP7, WPF and Silverlight that is like PropertyStatus but totally non-visual. See the Samples\NET\cs\SimpleNTier solution’s WP7 UI project for an example of how this works
  2. Created a copy of the DataAnnotations functionality for WP7; this is a nice concept that Microsoft didn’t put into WP7, so I ported the parts of System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations required by CSLA .NET, so if you have classes using DataAnnotations attributes in .NET or Silverlight, that code will now work in WP7 as well
  3. Laying the groundwork for a NuGet installer when 4.1 is released, so people will be able to download and install CSLA 4 via NuGet (thanks Jaans!)
  4. Laying the groundwork for a vsix installer for Visual Studio templates, so when 4.1 is released we can add this to the Visual Studio gallery (thanks Jonny!)

I’ve also put an updated draft of Using CSLA 4: Creating Business Objects online at http://download.lhotka.net/Default.aspx?t=UsingCsla4

This ebook is incomplete, but I’m providing work-in-progress drops of the book as I work on it. People who’ve purchased the entire Using CSLA 4 ebook series (from http://store.lhotka.net/) can download this pre-draft content. This new drop includes a lot more content than the previous drop – including the entire sections on declaring and implementing properties and methods, and a good start on the metastate fields/methods available from BusinessBase and other base classes.

Finally, I also put a top level type diagram online that is available to anyone who has purchased either the Using CSLA 4: CSLA .NET Overview ebook or the entire ebook series. It is available from the same download.lhotka.net web page.

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