PTWeb Sample

PTWeb Sample

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rajn posted on Sunday, May 14, 2006

I set the PTWebCS to use a local proxy. I tried adding a project and a resource. In both cases I did not enter any data to see the error logic ( walked through the code while in debug ). I see that the validation error gets set in the project save but....the error label becomes an empty string when the edit page is redisplayed i.e there is no indication that there was an error. In the resource add - same use case - except this time I got a DataPortal Exception not caught by application code run-time error.

Any suggestions on what I need to look at to figure the two scenarios out?



RockfordLhotka replied on Monday, May 15, 2006

Using the local proxy with PTWeb is a bit tricky, because ASP.NET won't let you access the Express database unless it is contained within your virtual root (typically in the ~/App_Data directory).

So to test this out you need to copy your database file to App_Data and change your connection string to use that location (not an absolute path either!).

OR you can switch to use an external SQL Server instance where you are using a "normal" connection string to a server, rather than a file path connection string.

In short, the issue is with getting ASP.NET to let you talk to the database.

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