VS 2010 And WPF

VS 2010 And WPF

Old forum URL: forums.lhotka.net/forums/t/9918.aspx

st3fanus posted on Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Hi.. I'm sorry before

I have post this topic several days ago. And I want to post this again , because i didn't get an answer yet.

I know may be this is not a correct forum. But this forum the comunity i have now.. And i want to try if there is anyone who have face the same problem like me..

I tried to create a small WPF application

But the problem is : When i run ( f5 )  by visual studio 2010 i just get a blank window ( black screen )

The conditio is : I use .NET Framework 4.

I can get the correct answer if i do one of these ways :

1. I run from debug folder on a solution.

2. I run from f5 ( run )  by vs 2010, but i change to .NET Framework 3.5


IS there anyone can explain or give me a clue what is going on ??


Thanks a lot




JonnyBee replied on Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Have you checked the content of app.xaml:

<Application x:Class="WpfUI.App"

Look at the SimpleNTier sample in the samples download for Csla4.

st3fanus replied on Thursday, January 06, 2011


Have you checked the content of app.xaml:


<Application x:Class="WpfUI.App"

Look at the SimpleNTier sample in the samples download for Csla4.

Thanks a lot jonny for your respond.. but I'm sorry.. I still don't understand what should i check in  app.xaml ?

thanks a lot




Curelom replied on Thursday, January 06, 2011

You should ensure that the StartupUri is pointed to your starting window.

st3fanus replied on Thursday, January 06, 2011

Yah Cure and Jonn..

I have already set StartupUri to the correct xaml, and the result is what i wrote above..

I can have the correct result if i run directly from debug folder.. but if i run from f5 i got a blank window


Thanks a lot

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