Hi.. I'm sorry before
I have post this topic several days ago. And I want to post this again , because i didn't get an answer yet.
I know may be this is not a correct forum. But this forum the comunity i have now.. And i want to try if there is anyone who have face the same problem like me..
I tried to create a small WPF application
But the problem is : When i run ( f5 ) by visual studio 2010 i just get a blank window ( black screen )
The conditio is : I use .NET Framework 4.
I can get the correct answer if i do one of these ways :
1. I run from debug folder on a solution.
2. I run from f5 ( run ) by vs 2010, but i change to .NET Framework 3.5
IS there anyone can explain or give me a clue what is going on ??
Thanks a lot
Have you checked the content of app.xaml:
<Application x:Class="WpfUI.App"
Look at the SimpleNTier sample in the samples download for Csla4.
Have you checked the content of app.xaml:
<Application x:Class="WpfUI.App"
Look at the SimpleNTier sample in the samples download for Csla4.
Thanks a lot jonny for your respond.. but I'm sorry.. I still don't understand what should i check in app.xaml ?
thanks a lot
You should ensure that the StartupUri is pointed to your starting window.
Yah Cure and Jonn..
I have already set StartupUri to the correct xaml, and the result is what i wrote above..
I can have the correct result if i run directly from debug folder.. but if i run from f5 i got a blank window
Thanks a lot
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